Discovering Indonesian Islam Through Fatâwâ
In the field of Indonesian-Islam studies, Hooker’s ‘Indonesian Islam’ is a welcome contribution to the scholarship. Unlike other Western scholars who study Indonesian Islam through anthropology, Hooker through his publication tries to show us that Islam in contemporary Indonesia can be known from fatâwâ (pl. fatwa) that have been responding matters of Indonesian Muslim society, have colored them and have been followed by them. For this reason, Hooker chooses four main Indonesian fatwa-issuing institutions which have been responding to challenges of modernity. They are Persatuan Islam (Persis), Muhammadiyah, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) and further, they are called “sources” or sources of fatâwâ. As a focus of the study, Hooker takes the fatâwâ from 1920s to the 1990s, from the period of colonialism to independence, which encompass the vast political, social and legal changes of this period.
Indonesian Islam, Social and Legal Change, Sources Fatâwâ, Hooker
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Nadirsyah Hosen, Fatwas of Majelis Ulama Indonesia, Journal of
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___________, NU & Collective Ijtihad, New Zealand, Journal of
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Hukum Nasional; Kompetisis antara Hukum Islam dan Hukum
Umum, Gama Media, Yogyakarta, 2002
Imam Ghazali Said (ed.), Ahkam al-Fuqoha, Solusi Problematika
Aktual Hukum Islam, Keputusan Muktamar, Munas, dan Konbes
Nahdlatul Ulama (1926-1999 M.), Surabaya: LTN NU Jawa
Timur, 2005
Nadirsyah Hosen, Fatwas of Majelis Ulama Indonesia, Journal of
Islamic Studies 15:2, 2004
___________, NU & Collective Ijtihad, New Zealand, Journal of
Asian Studies 6, 2004
___________, Revelation in a Modern Nation State: Muhammadiyah
and Islamic Legal Reasoning in Indonesia, 2002
Nico Kaptein, The Voice of the Ulama: Fatwas and Religious authority
in Indonesia, ISEAS, 2004
Noorhaidi Hasan, Between Transnational interest and Domestic Politics:
Understanding Middle Eastern Fatwas on Jihad in the Moluccas,
Islamic Law and Society 12, 2005
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How to Cite
Aniq, A. (2017). Discovering Indonesian Islam Through Fatâwâ. Ulumuna, 12(2), 393-408.